Thursday, March 3, 2011

2nd Place!


The Bruins cranked out their 7th straight win and I'm pretty sure they get balls back until they miss at this point. The Lightning came into the garden with an identical record as the Bs so the win gave us sole possession of 2nd place for the moment and clinched the season tie break with Tampa 3-1. And with Philly losing we are only 3 pts out of first place. I'm not trying to get greedy, the 1st seed didn't help us out much two years ago, but its nice to stay up there with the tops of the league.

This game was hard fought and scrappy, a little more than I thought it was going to be. Tampa went up 1-0 in the second on an Eric Brewer goal and it stayed that way for two minutes until Kamfer tied it up with a slapshot that went straight through from the point on assists from Kelly and Peverley in their home debut. It took a lot to beat Smith tonight, who had 26 saves, and thats exactly how you would describe the game winner, a lot. Lucic and Krejci worked a nice one two entering the zone, Lucic carried behind the net and found Horton who fired one on goal. Then there was a four car pile up in front of Smith with Horton and Krejci fighting for the loose puck. Finally it squirted out right and Lucic picked it up on the other side of the net right on the goal line and fired a no angle shot into the cage to win it. That line has been great and they really fought hard for that goal.

Thomas played strongly again with 27 saves of his own. There game got chippy in the third period with a couple scrapes here and there. The Bs still couldn't find the net on a powerplay but the special teams play wasn't all bad with a massive 2 minute 5 on 3 kill that helped keep the game in balance.

Kamfer did leave the game in the second period with an injury which sucks. I just commented on how it was ok that Ference went down because we had a defender to spare. That is no longer the case so I hope Kamfer is alright. I love they way he plays even those his time has been cut a little shorter recently.

Seguin was a healthy scratch tonight which was too bad. He had been holding on to that 10 minute per game level for the last few contests but got the pine for this one. This is probably more of a sign of things to come compared to his recent play because this was more of a playoff atmosphere than Ottawa or Edmonton. I hope they can get enough confidence in him over the rest of the season to trust him to stay in the roster come playoff time.

Up next is the Pens who are still playing without Crosby, who must be dead right and they are just covering it up. Because he has been out forever for no apparent reason. Like he was going to crush the scoring title this year, pumping in goals at will, then decided to hang them up early.

Mannequin Prank

At the beginning of this video I didn't get what they were going to do so I thought this was probably going to be pretty stupid. Upon further review it was a money prank. Well executed, well planned, well timed. And thats all you can ask for. They are just lucky they didn't do this shit to me because I definitely would have tried to pick the head up, help someone out, but that would have scared the shit out of me. Like I mean I would have ripped the lady's head off her shoulders and then it would have been a whole law suit thing. Then I couldn't live with the blood on my hands and everything would have spiraled out of control. So, good thing it wasn't me.

Little Drummer Boy

At first I thought this was just great robot technology. It wouldn't stun me that we are advancing this fast. It looked real but was too good type thing. That has robot written all over it. But then he went to that drum roll on the cymbal thing too many times. Robots don't go to the well that much. So once I confirmed this was a real kid I realized that he is going to get so much ass if he plays this right. He has a ceiling and I hope he knows it. Hes got that X factor, but if he waits too long he is just going to be another asshole drummer in a band who demands vocals on the lesser tracks and doesn't talk much. But he could really put some miles on his tires if he stays at this  enough and stokes the flames early and often.

Cant stop wont stop

This is a couple years old but a classic Jeopardy moment. My question is this. At what point would Max have stopped having go's at this category. Like lets say that didn't stop at 1000. What if it just went on forever? Would Max have just kept throwing out wrong answer after wrong answer? How much money does Jeopardy let you lose before they have to step in? I love how its taking Kevin everything in him to not look to his right and smirk at Max, like why don't you pump the brakes homie I got this one. And what the fuck are you laughing at Erin, I haven't seen your hand on the buzzer all round. Get in the game.

knocked the fuck out

Nice extension on that high kick. Thats how you elevate. He fucking spun that guy into back in time like 3 seconds. Thats the only possible explanation right? I mean you need to drop dead when that connects, unless you have been shot back in time so it takes you 3 seconds to catch back up to the head shot. Its like his body still operated as he stumbled around the mat but his head knew he was done. So did the guy who kicked him. Fucking unfazed by the fake walk around like he was ok.

Delayed Reaction Faceplant KO - Watch more Funny Videos

Birds coming out of everywhere

Im not hating on this dude's technique. Its flawless. Hes got you looking right where you he needs to be the whole movie. Im just not that impressed with the tricks. I mean he starts with two birds up his sleeves. The candles twist at the bottom to make them collapse or stay up, and he pockets the bird at the end. Not trying to hate, I love this shit, its just not that tough to spot. I just can't figure it where he gets that third fucking bird. Like where was that mother fucker? I had this guy til that moment, I had him. Also, why don't the birds trip out while they are stuck in his clothes?

Celtics crush Suns in blown out of proportion game


The Celtics blinded the Suns on Wednesday night. We were up 29 and then things got a little close in the 4th until we put them away. They climbed back because they are a high scoring team, we took the foot off the gas, and we were letting the backup trying to get some meaningless minutes. Not a trend we want to hold on to but a win is a win.

The first thing I want to bring up is no one gives a shit about Celtics/Suns including and especially the Celtics. Like yea KG sac tapped Frye last time we played then Gentry talked to some shit about him. Kevin wanted to play hard out here tonight, sure, but its not like he went home after last game in a blind rage and circled this one on his calendar. There is no rivalry here, no one cares. They are not good, we are. Thats the end of it.

But on the topic of KG, he had whatever the hell he wanted going to the basket. He finished with a season high 28 to go along with 11 boards. A strong game on both ends. Rondo went for 16 points and 15 assists and was dishing some world class passes early when we looked like a machine. Ray added 19, Paul 16 and 13, and Krstic went for 13 of his own who has continued to be a very nice surprise.

Murphy was getting his sea legs under him in this one, finishing without a bucket and 1pt. It will take some time for him to get his wind back, but I am psyched about that pick up. Same goes for Pavlovic. I look forward to them getting into the system.

Pierce had a ferocious dunk on Frye after Grant Hill missed one on the other end. Then he looked at Frye like the blow up doll that he is and they T'ed him up, obviously. This happened in a college game recently and its just as much of a joke here. Like what do you have to do after you put some clown on a poster. Eyes to the floor, no smiling, and immediately get back down the court. What a joke.

I also have no problem with Rondo's three. People jack 3s at the end of the game, it happens. Definitely rubbing it in to some degree but word is the Suns bench was chirping him the last few seconds so he took one. I have no problem with Dudley trying to block it either. The game ends when the ends. Not 3 seconds before.

Big Baby tweaked his knee landing from a dunk at the very end which sucks. Apparently the MRI was negative and he should only miss a week, but I'm just so sick of your players dropping like flies for the stupidest things. Lets hope it really is just a 2/3 game strain.

Finally things with KG and Gentry got a little heated again towards the end. KG got a tech and appeared to have some words with the bench. Then in the post game when asked about it he said, "Alvin Gentry was asking me for tickets for the first round of the playoffs and I told him I'd hook him up. That's what that was about." Such a cold blooded comment. Love it. You need finals tickets bro? Hit us up. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Beast Mode

Ive been trying to get my gym on lately and its going ok. I mean I don't want to be this guy. I would like to be stronger, but not on this level. However, I couldn't help drinking some water just to spit it out when I saw this video. I didn't care about the squat, but when the you hear the "Come On" in the song and he throws those mother fuckers into the press I lost it. He probably eats those fools for dinner later, raw, then gets two new dudes for his workout the next day. Do they grab the bar when he is benching too or does just stack them in a pile and bench like 40 of them at once?

The good old days

This baby is insanely cute and the laugh is contagious but I have to be honest this video really upset me. It was like the scene in Knocked Up when Paul Rudd is at the park with Seth Rogen and the kids are playing with bubbles. I don't think I have ever been as happy as this baby is in that moment my entire life. And even if thats not true, and there is a moment from my infancy I just don't remember when I felt that way, then I still know I will never be this happy again. I'm too smart now. I know too much about the world and my place in it and the seriousness of certain things compared to others to ever feel this much joy. I would give anything to rip the paper next to me in half and start tearing up I'm laughing so hard, but all that will actually happen is I will get pissed because I just tore up my credit card bill.

The truth behind Tyson v Holyfield

By Neal J. Riley, Globe Correspondent

A Hingham man has been sentenced to two years in prison -- 60 days to serve and the balance suspended -- after he admitted in Norfolk Superior Court today to biting off parts of another man's ears during a fight, authorities said.

Andrew J. MacDonald, 20, pleaded guilty to two counts of mayhem after he was accused of biting off a portion of another man's upper right ear and lower left earlobe and spitting them onto the pavement outside of a McDonald's in Weymouth in Nov. 2009, according to a statement from Norfolk District Attorney Michael W. Morrissey.

Morrissey said the combatants had called each other names in several angry Facebook messages prior to the incident. A friend of the victim collected the bitten ear pieces and transported the victim to a local hospital, Morrissey said.
I almost didn't post this until I got to the last paragraph. Like yeah this dude bit some other dude's ear off. Kinda gross, kinda weird. He is going to do some jail time, insert Tyson joke, blah, blah, blah. Probably not worth my time. Then I got confused. This shit started with some trash talk on the Book? What gives? Then I figured it out. You can't message bro. I've spewed some serious heat on wall posts and taken some back just as bad, because the wall is for teasing hate. You bring that shit to the private message you up the stakes, and if you're not careful you get your ear bitten off.

What a Trip!


What a road trip for the Bs after they shook up the team a little bit near the trade deadline. The boys in black and gold come home winners of 6 straight on the road, something they haven't done since the '72 cup winning team.

Tonight they beat Ottawa for the second time on this trip, blanking them 1-0 behind some big time play from Rask. Everyone has been saying that these consecutive starts in a row is what helps him get his confidence back but I don't know if I buy that. He is just a great goaltender, and I think the nerves of a slow start have been getting to him all year, as evidence by some softies he lets in when he loses focus. But tonight he was claritin clear turning aside all 33 shots he faced. He had a big one on a breakaway stop in the second that could have swung the momentum. He also got a little help from the pipe, but so do a lot of my friends when they've had a long day. 2 U's 2 K's 2 pts

To be honest, pretty boring game otherwise. Seguin got his 10 minutes again. That was nice. The powerplay actually looked decent for the first time in a while even they it didn't produce a goal. Kaberle was moving the puck nicely out there. Maybe it would help if big Z didn't wind up for a bomb anytime the puck comes within a 15 feet vicinity of him. Would it kill the guy to make a back door pass?

Horton netted the winner on a goal mouth scramble, lets hope he keeps the scoring touch anyway he can get them.

Crazy last few minutes there, I don't know how they didn't tie this one up like 17 times but thats what you do on the road against bad teams. You hold on.