Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What a Trip!


What a road trip for the Bs after they shook up the team a little bit near the trade deadline. The boys in black and gold come home winners of 6 straight on the road, something they haven't done since the '72 cup winning team.

Tonight they beat Ottawa for the second time on this trip, blanking them 1-0 behind some big time play from Rask. Everyone has been saying that these consecutive starts in a row is what helps him get his confidence back but I don't know if I buy that. He is just a great goaltender, and I think the nerves of a slow start have been getting to him all year, as evidence by some softies he lets in when he loses focus. But tonight he was claritin clear turning aside all 33 shots he faced. He had a big one on a breakaway stop in the second that could have swung the momentum. He also got a little help from the pipe, but so do a lot of my friends when they've had a long day. 2 U's 2 K's 2 pts

To be honest, pretty boring game otherwise. Seguin got his 10 minutes again. That was nice. The powerplay actually looked decent for the first time in a while even they it didn't produce a goal. Kaberle was moving the puck nicely out there. Maybe it would help if big Z didn't wind up for a bomb anytime the puck comes within a 15 feet vicinity of him. Would it kill the guy to make a back door pass?

Horton netted the winner on a goal mouth scramble, lets hope he keeps the scoring touch anyway he can get them.

Crazy last few minutes there, I don't know how they didn't tie this one up like 17 times but thats what you do on the road against bad teams. You hold on.

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