Monday, February 28, 2011

Perk for Krstic was a steal?


I kid I kid, but seriously, nice string of games for the new big guy. Its clear he doesn't completely get the system yet, which was to be expected, because KG spent some time chirping him and pushing him around the floor to the right spots throughout the night. But he stepped up again tonight in the Celtics win of the new look Jazz with 11 pts and 5 rebounds. KG was all over the glass himself and had another big night with 16 and 14.

Rondo looked alive for the firs time since the Perk trade. He was flying around the court. He had 18 pts and 11 dimes for a great overall effort. He had a dominant steal about half way through the fourth that set up KG for 2 free throws that I hoped would turn the tide of the game. It didn't because Utah wouldn't go away but just a classic Rondo play. Rondo took a lot of shots tonight, 16, which is more than he usually takes when he isn't in much of a rhythm. And when the game was winding down I was saying we have to get Ray or Paul a look here, but I will settle for KG. Then Rondo got Harris (who played well) in the air and raised up for a free throw line jumper and buried. It was nice to see him hit that shot. Then he made two more big time plays to close it. He knocked the rebound off the Bell miss all the way down the court to kill 3 more seconds then stole the inbound pass to end it. He really controls everything that happens for us, and when he is playing at the level he did tonight we are tough to beat.

Paul essentially only played the 2nd and 4th quarter tonight but we wouldn't have won with out his 21 pt effort. He kept us in the game by himself in the 2nd with 16 points and hit a big time three in the 4th with an ill strut back up the court after.

Ray was insane down the stretch. Dude has ice water in his veins. He hit two monster threes to keep giving us a cushion and then hit the most ferocious foot on the line 2 pointer you will ever see. We were having a touch possession up 2 with about 45 seconds to go and ray hit a long two from the right wing falling right with AK47 in his face. Only Ray takes that shot and only Ray hits that shot. A beautiful sight to see.

Big Baby played like complete dog shit. The worst game he has had in a long time. Didn't do much offensively, wasn't knocking down his jumpers, and played horrendous defense all night. He is usually our down the stretch 5 and I was screaming for Krstic. I shot faked from my couch during a timeout and I'm pretty sure I saw Baby leave his feet in the huddle. He should have fouled out like 15 times but they kept sticking fouls on Ray or Paul but if I was out there I would have said hell no that was uno uno, get him the fuck off the floor.

Jeff Green was pretty quiet again with 5 but I hope he is just warming up. I know its hard to get shots with a team so talented and so unselfish as we are but I really hope he can use the rest of the season to get in sync with the second team and West and find a groove for himself.

Last point, Al Jefferson is a beast. I think everyone knew he would be good when he left Boston, but the trade was obviously worth it. I felt bad he went to the Wolves, and was happy for him when he landed in Utah. And I know his typical game isn't what he did tonight. He is like an 18 and 10 guy, which you can't complain about, but he swung his shit around tonight. Getting hacked and finishing whenever he felt like it. Anyway we can get him back too?

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