Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Missed it by that much

I put this up so you could see the video without having to go to a separate link but please please please watch it on this link: CRASH For some reason I couldn't embed the one I have linked to and all the other videos are censored and you just have to hear it.

I fucking love this kid! I was ready to pass on this video so fast it would make your head spin, oh sweet another kid crashes his bike. But when this kid got to the apex of his last jump and let out that "FUCK!" I lost it. Like head back, eyes closed, belly laughing. Immediate replay. Thats how you can tell a good video. This kid knew what was up and he didn't make any midair adjustments, he just cursed the high heavens.  I would give him more props here but he is clearly dead now so all he's got left are some fucking awesome last words. At least he went big.

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