Monday, February 28, 2011

All things celtics



The Celtics dropped one to the New York Nuggets on Thursday night. A disappointing loss because the Cs were leading with around 3 minutes left and let Denver go on a 16-0 run to close out the game.

Rondo was pretty quiet but everyone played ok until disappearing down the stretch. No one could hit a shot when we needed it. It makes sense that we were tired because after the trades we only had 8 guys suited up for this one. We even called Chris Johnson back from the D league who gave us 6 pts and a rebound off the bench.

A tough night for basketball as KG would put it.

We regrouped and beat out Blake and the Clips on Saturday night. Paul and Ray played well and the Celtics just hung on late to get out of LA with a win.

The Cs welcomed new comers Krstic and Green for the first time and this one. Green went for 7 pts and Krstic went for 9 pts with 6 offensive rebounds, a Celtic season high.

Its going to take a while for these guys to start finding their role and fitting into the squad, but a win is as good a way to start as any.

Now I have talked myself in and out of these trades about 500 times. I don't know where I will eventually land. It doesn't make sense to me that a team who claims they would have won the ship last year if they had a healthy Perk and could grab a fucking rebound would jack all our big men off the team in one day leaving only Shaq and Jermaine. The front office obviously knows the team better than I do, so they better fucking know that those two guys will be healthy enough to get us through the playoffs. Because if the Magic, who suck, beat us cause Dwight does whatever he wants then this is going to look really stupid.

On a strictly talent level this wasn't that bad. Some of the rookies got bounced to free up some space for bought out veterns, sorry but such is life. Nate, who I really do like, sort of killed us all year minus that short stint when he started for an injured Rondo. And Perk, who of course I love and is a fan favorite, isn't that hard to replace. He went for about 6 pts and 7 boards a night. He was a big dude who clogged the middle and fumbled every pass Rondo ever dished to him inside. Jeff Green is a versatile scorer and player who can spell Ray and Paul and play some good wing defense. He is the upside of the trade for sure. It allows us to play smaller which we haven't done since Posey and that won us a ship.

However, my problem is what it did to the team's mentality. I know they will get over it, its a business and everyone knows it. But when KG was practically crying saying how he lost a family member today. And Paul made those 'man I hope Danny and Doc know what they are doing comments.' It put me on edge. Rondo, who is best friends with Perk, was zombie like on the floor in Denver. He refused to talk to the media and was obviously upset. KG said they when we brought him in we told him this was all about togetherness, thats the formula that wins, and we needed him to buy into it. He did. Everyone did. Then to cut off one of the roots like that at this point in the season? I don't know. Like I said I'm flip flopping in. If Green turns it on, and we grab a couple veterans and Shaq can give us the minutes to walk to the finals I will say it was the best trade we ever made. But for a squad that kept saying we like our team, this was certainly an interesting way to show it.

Anyway, a fond farewell and good luck to Quis, Semih, Luke, Nate, and especially Perk. You will be missed my man. I hope you shit on Bynum in the playoffs.

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