Wednesday, February 23, 2011

This guy is straight killin it

Its not this guy's dance moves that I love. I've seen that shit before. It all about the presentation. That bush costume is so fucking good hes got to be ex military right? I mean that shit isn't just for sale, that has seen field experience. Either that or he literally cut leaves off the very bush he hides in and glued them to a suit. Just perfect. Then on the fourth or so clip when he mixed it up, I spent the whole lead up trying to spot him in the leaves when he popped out of the fucking garbage bag! Scared me worse than those people. Thats fucking versatility. I don't know how I am going to walk the sidewalks anymore without thinking some dude is going to pop out and dance right in my grill. I feel like Carl Crawford. What a showman. The statue stuff wasn't really for me so you can pretty much cut it by then, but that dancing stuff was something else. Keep doing your thing dude.
Dance Assassin - Watch more Funny Videos

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