Monday, February 14, 2011

Run For Your Lives!!

I am without question a dog person and I used to hate every cat on the planet. Eventually over the years I met one or two felines that my friends have had that I can tolerate, but I didn't really change my attitude. Every time I see a dog has made the news I don't even watch the rest of the story because I already know it. He risked his own life in the face of unholy dangerous to save every single other living thing in trouble while remaining the most loyal creature in a 20 mile radius or until the next dog, which ever comes first. The only reason I watch cat news stories is they come on right before the dog story because they caused the catastrophe in the first place. I never assumed there was any cat out there that was actually the most evil, I figured they all shared the load, until I saw this cat. This cat, or hence forth he-who-must-not-be-named is literally evil incarnate. Do you see that look. Just spewing hate. I am sure this thing looks like this because it has just regained its life form after a failed murder attempt on an innocent baby. I would say we have to do away with you-know-who right away but unfortunately I'm sure this thing has tethered his soul to life within infinite murder souvenirs all across the world.

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