Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Is It The All Star Break Yet?


Yikes. For a second there I thought I was going to have to commit to stop blogging about these games if the Cs tanked this one. The starters came out with the throttle open to start the game building a quick 15 pt lead on the Nets, but then the second team came in and played somewhere between little and no defense allowing the Nets to tie the thing at half time.

Now I have to admit I left my house to go to a bar for the second half and got banged up so I don't exactly know the details of what happened. I saw us go down about 9 in the third quarter until we clawed our way back to start the fourth. Then when things stayed close Jesus Shuttlesworth hit a bit time 3 and Pierce finally hit one too that combined for 16-0 run and put this thing away.

In the pregame everyone was talking about making Lopez play some D so he couldn't have his way shooting hook shots in our eye all night, and while he certainly didn't go off I really didn't like seeing him go for 18 and scoring at will when we were struggling.

The Truth had a strong outing, which was expected after the stinker against the Heat. He went for 31 and made some strong moves with the left hand.

Rondo hit a few jumpers too for a pretty average night 7, 8, and 5. I gotta admit when he starts knocking down those transition mid range jumpers I start to feel it a bit in my penis because if he could just fucking hit open shots  I don't know how we could ever lose.

I'm just glad we went into the all-star break strong, best record in the east. I want to get healthy. I want to see a second team of west, nate, marquis, baby, and shaq just one time all fucking year. I know it doesn't matter until the second season, but its nice to get the rotations set and guys used to playing with each other before the playoffs start.

Anyway, the Cavs beat the Lakers which only makes me hope that they win less than twenty games this year with two of their wins coming against the teams playing for the ship.

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