Tuesday, February 22, 2011

An Uphill Battle

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo., Feb. 21 (UPI) -- Officials with a Wyoming ski resort said no charges will be filed against a 78-year-old man arrested while trying to ski uphill.

Jackson Hole Mountain Resort officials said Ronald Fleck was arrested Feb. 5 after ski patrol members spent 3 1/2 hours attempting to convince the man to turn around while he was trying to ski uphill to watch his granddaughter's ski race, the Jackson Hole Daily reported Monday.

Fleck was arrested on suspicion of trespass, interference, unsafe skiing and theft of services. However, Jerry Blann, president of the Jackson Hole Mountain Resort, said no charges will be pressed.

"Once he was removed, the safety issue, which was our primary concern, was removed," Blann said Friday.

Teton County Sheriff Jim Whalen said his department is dropping the matter.

"Pretty much from the beginning of this thing, we didn't see any reason to move forward with the criminal prosecution," he said. "We're fine with it."

Teton Country Sheriff has got no problem with this guy and neither do I. I don't even know why they stepped in. If he wants to ski up the fucking hill let him ski up the hill. Dude was justing trying to be there for his grand daughter, catch her race. I love how it took them some serious convincing too, 3 and a half hours worth, to tell him he was going the wrong way. Like, 'sir you are going the wrong way.' 'Who me? No I'm good.' 'No sir you see how the hill fucking slopes down? You see the way everyone else is going? That where we need you to be headed.' 'Nah, all set.' What an animal. What I don't get is how the fuck do you even ski uphill? Like if I face uphill I'm just skiing downhill backwards, cause you know, you can't ski uphill. Just doesn't work that way. If he was doing the sideways shuffle up there I wouldn't calling it skiing anymore. I want footage of this miracle.

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