Thursday, February 17, 2011

Coming Up Next: Diane's Weight

Classic case of behind the scenes issues with news anchors, then one of them crosses a fucking line and brings that shit public on the local evening news. There is no place for that. You don't think Veronica Corningstone didn't regret putting 'Go Fuck Yourself San Diego' on that teleprompter? She did. And on that day she learned you don't hash out private matters on live news. All that being said, what the hell did Belinda even say to Mark here. I believe the quotes are as follows:

M: "Belinda I just can't understand how something so small can be so impressive."
B: "Well Mark, you would know about that."

What are you getting at girl? I mean the obvious joke here is that Mark has a tiny dick, but he said something so small is so impressive. And if she is saying that he knows all about that then she is declaring that yes he has a small dick but also conceding that yes it is very impressive. No? Do I have this wrong? And if she knows its impressive that means she has had a taste, so why is she coming at him like that. Maybe she is talking about her tits? I can't really tell with what shes got on but she could be saying 'you know Mark we are fucking and you thought my tits were so small but then you found out how impressive they are so yes you would know about that scenario.' But both hypothetical situations, even the tiny dick one, implies that they are fucking and one of them has an impressive tool on them. Which confuses me because of the fucking smoldering look he gives her after she says it. Watch it again. Damn those eyes linger. Hes like a hawk. Is he mad cause she announced they are fucking. Chill out Mark shes cute. I can't wait for the retaliation.

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