Monday, February 21, 2011

Shadow boxing to a whole new level

Needless to say this guy would cut me into a million pieces with a blade. And shadows pretty consistently scare the shit out of me, so this scenario would be like my worst nightmare. And when the shadows turn into people it got fucking cool. However, really dude? How much work went in to knifing up balls of darkness? The only answer is too much. Why not bring some other blade master out there and fucking battle to the death. I would watch that shit all day. Without that element of danger I can't commit. I mean this guy clearly got fucking stabbed in the heart by the Smoke Monster from Lost and was unfazed by it so whatever. Also, some creepy shit goes down with his sword at the 1:39 mark. Like he throws it and the shadow sword replaces it becoming a real one. That freaked me out.

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