Monday, February 21, 2011

Coach fires clothes onto the ice after being ejected

I used to think that the greatest coach reaction to any ejection was when Phil Wellman lost his shit on the minor league baseball diamond but this one gives Phil a run for his money. On the showmanship level Phil still takes it, but in terms of raw emotion and complete melt down levels I have to tip my cap to the coach of the Eagles. Wellman's routine, while great, seemed predetermined. Maybe he didn't wake up that morning knowing he was going to throw a rosin bag grenade at an umpire, but he clearly had thought that shit out before. That was not spontaneous. This guy was spontaneous. I mean he gets tossed and just starts ripping his fucking clothes off. Are you kidding me? What are you gonna do now? What if this dude gets butt ass naked up in your face? Maybe this tirade cost him some cash, maybe it didn't change the score, but he didn't walk out of there embarrassed about a god damn thing and let me make one guarantee. There is no fucking way the Eagles didn't the next 50/50 call.

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