Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Dude Makes Full Ice Shot For $50,000

I have so many problems with this I don't even know where to begin. In case there are any doubters out there, this is a HOF shot. This isn't your garden variety asshole swishing a half court shot at half time of a college game. This is a carny game shot. Like this shot can't be made. I've been on the ice at an AHL game attempting one ( hit the net but NOT close) and saw some dude out there with me shoot a fucking gem, I mean dead on perfect shot, and have it rattle out. The puck simply doesn't fit in that hole, but you keep giving them your 5 bucks for three more tries. Its addicting, you think you should be able to do it, but you literally have no chance. Thats what you have to understand about this video. You have this stupid ass mascot out there fucking cheating and throwing the puck around trying to get you off your game. Then this wizard steps up and fucking buries it. Heres what I dont like. Bogus spotlight work right off the bat. Oh you can follow Big E's fucking baseball throw perfectly and you can't follow the most picture perfect intermission shot ever? Thanks for nothing. Next, the whole celebration in general. I wanted this guy to either go fucking bat shit crazy out there or act like hes been here a thousands times and shrug it off. I can never tell which I like more, it all depends on my in the moment mood. I was so excited for the camera to pan back just so I could see which one he would chose, cause there is no in between, and then didn't come through. He went with the in between. There is a chance he would have done a better job if Big E would have left him the fuck alone too. Its like get off the guy bro, he just pulled off a miracle. I wanted so badly for the camera to pan back and this dude be already headed off the ice arms in the air. Knew it was in off the release. Thanks for nothing Big E. And finally, when I thought nothing could get worse I got to the end of the video. They DQed him?!? Are you shitting me? He was over the red line, typical carny shit. Oh thanks Indiana Ice, you are going to make a donation anyway. How fucking generous of you. The guy hit the shot of a lifetime and you gotta asterisk him? Class act.

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