Saturday, February 19, 2011

Pray for Surf? Why not make it yourself

This is old but I just saw it and want to talk about it. This is fucking awesome. You don't have to watch the whole video, once you get to the 3 minute mark I would say you've got the gist of it. Basically these guys were trying bro out and surf, but there were no waves to shred. Pack up and go home? I don't think so. They build their own never ending waves and can ride them to their hearts content. I just don't get how the hell they did this. Like they were digging out some ground with their hands and then the scene cuts and they were ready to ride giants with Kunu. I'm usually good with this stuff but I have no clue how this happened. Also, this has got to be a great way to learn how to surf right? I mean the wave just fucking sits there. Never ending. You can boogie board it for 10 minutes til you are ready to stand up. And then you can just keep riding it and practicing it and shit. I gotta believe facilities like this exist with these forever waves where dope pro surfers can practice dominant moves, but for every days joes without those kind of resources this has gotta be the play. I want the plans on how this is done posted like now!

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