Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Whats Up Ashley

The Portland Press Herald - Wed, Feb 16, 2011 - Every Mainer tuning into "Survivor: Redemption Island" tonight has a home team to root for. Her name is Ashley Underwood. 

She's our state's stake in this televised tropical quest for $1 million. A 26-year-old Cony High School and University of Maine grad, Ashley grew up at Underwood Strawberry Farm in Benton.

And though she's traveled the world playing pro basketball and found pageant success as Miss Maine 2009, Ashley remembers her roots.
In "Survivor" press leading up to this season's premiere, Ashley reminisced about getting her hands dirty when the family farm raised hundreds of pigs.
The swine were before my time. I was raised in Oakland, but my family moved a quarter-mile from the Underwood farm when I headed to UMaine. I can recommend the farm's fruit and fiddleheads firsthand...
So what Survivor is trying to tell me is that this girl has been up in my backyard this whole time? I find this hard to believe. I never even watch Survivor, like literally never seen a single episode. I know thats crazy and I must be some kind of psycho if I'm not watching that show but whatever. And I even watch other shit on tv just like survivor but somehow never checked it out. Needless to say that might have to change starting this season. This girl is a smoke. Miss Maine in 2009 speaks for itself. But let me tell you the two things that don't speak for themselves. The things that really stand out to me. First of all this girl was raised on a pig farm. Please. I'm not calling her a liar, but I can't think of another way to finish this sentence. Maybe her family had pigs but I highly doubt she was getting her hands dirty plowing pig shit all morning. That is the privilege of looking like Ashley does.You don't have to pick up pig shit. You just don't. Its like god molded this girl and gave her all the right genes and what that adds up to is a get out of picking up pig shit free card. Simple as that. These girls almost have to be born on a farm just so they have that farm girl sexy vibe for the rest of their modeling careers, which I'm cool with. Run with that girl, I dig it, but please don't tell me you got your hands dirty with the hogs. The second and most obvious issue I have with this story is that she traveled the world playing pro basketball. What?? Where? When? How? Why? That girl was playing pro basketball and the WNBA is tanking? How have they mismanaged this so badly. When I am forced to see women's professional basketball on the news it should be about Ashely here, not whether Taurasi's PED chargers were cleared.   

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