Monday, February 28, 2011


This is what I'm talking about. I used to hate getting dragged to stupid chorus concerts or band recitals just to watch them sing/play shit that I have never heard of until my ears bleed and I get to go home. If you've got talent and you want to get more people into the shit you do why not play cool stuff. Get people jacked up saying I love that song I want to be a part of that. These guys did it right. Nothing says we mean fucking business like Bulls on Parade. I saw this live once and I almost killed 5 people surrounding me I was raging so hard. You see the director doing his thing too? This shit is on repeat on his ipod, no way he sleeps tonight.

PS the next time Chicago wins the NBA title the headline has to be Bulls on Parade right? I mean has that been done yet or am I a fucking genius?

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