Thursday, February 17, 2011

Guy chugs a beer in record time. Zicke, Zacke, Zicke, Zacke, Hoi, Hoi, Hoi!

I'm not impressed. I can't do it, but I'm not impressed. I think my expectations might have been a little bit too high coming in. How much beer is that? And how long did it actually take? They cut the video too soon for an official scoring, and I'm not about the pull out my own stop watch so I am left with no answers. My friend Hughesie can put a solo cup filled to the brim down just as fast as if you were pouring it out on the ground, no fucking joke, and that was where the bar was set for me going into this video. The thing about Hughesie though, is for that kind of speed the solo cup is his limit. He has it to a science. An extra sip and I don't think he could get it down. This guy clearly has much more than a solo cup, but I was expecting pour it out speed. Is that unreasonable for this amount? I really don't know. Cause he seems to slow down a bit on the last few swallows. Like it should have been gone, but he stalls out. I think he beat 6 so thats something. I also respect him for laying down the law on the no count down thing. Listen bro, if you want to take this massive mug of beer to the face in under 6 seconds then you can set the terms for the countdown to launch, if you are just going to be a spectator you can shut the fuck up.

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