Saturday, February 19, 2011

Bruins show the Sens how you debate


So I had a hockey game of my own Friday night at 830 and missed the entire Bruins game, which was a bummer, so all I got to do was read this recap above and watch the shitty highlight video they provide.

Its a good win because we have to continue to beat these bad teams when we catch a few light spots in the schedule like this. I wish we could have taken the Toronto game too making it three straight easy ones after the Detroit losses but whatever.

Tuukka played well again. I want to get his confidence as up as much as possible so he can continue to spell Thomas leading up to the playoffs and continue to rebuild his foundation for next year.

Marchand has been a bright spot all year, and had two goals in this one, the second finishing off a very strong third period that put the game away. Kaberle and Kelly didn't figure on the score sheet but I'm told they played well. Its got to be tough jumping in with a new team just like that but they seemed to handle it pretty well.

Seguin had about 11 minutes of ice time to go along with another assist. Thats nice to see. I don't want to see his role diminished too much with all these new additions, but he is definitely going to have to produce to keep his spot.

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