Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Dominant Beirut Shot

So you know you've seen one of these videos you've seen them all, but still worth a few minutes of your time. What I did like about this effort is the use of geometry was strong to quite strong. I seen people bounce the ball a million times then go in but at least these guys did their fucking math hw. There was big time angle play in some of these shots. I also liked the creativity. Better than most. The glow in the dark was solid, I enjoyed the free throw, and especially liked the nba street 'dinner is served' glass and in shot. The use of the pot as a racket was nice too, that probably took a while. The only parts I was truly impressed by was when it would be all four of them on camera knocking them down in a row, like at the beginning and at the end. Because that means that had to sit there til they all splashed them in a row right? Like if three guys hit and you go front rim you feel like a fucking dick because you gotta do it all over again. Adds a little bit of pressure to the whole operation. However, after cruising the comments on all these vids, that is the part people are saying is fake based on changing reflections in the background or some shit. Well fuck me right. If you guys did film that shit one at a time then fuck you, and if you didn't keep playing playa. The only thing that really irked me was their cup choice. Most of the time it looked like they were using a fucking big gulp. Its like, nice shooting Tex but if I tell you I threw a football through a moving tire swing from 40 yards away you'd be impressed til you came over and I'm using some shit off a monster truck. Go solo cup or go home fellas.

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