Monday, February 21, 2011

Whoopie Pie: great treat or the greatest treat?

Portland Press Herald - As a freshman lawmaker, Rep. Anne Graham has high expectations for her work in the Legislature.

A pediatric nurse practitioner and North Yarmouth Democrat, she is a member of the Legislature's State and Local Government Committee.

And, as luck would have it, her first-ever vote in committee came last week on L.D. 71: "An Act to Designate the Whoopie Pie as the State Dessert."

As you may have read in the paper, the bill was amended to designate the tasty and high-calorie snack as the state's official "treat," rather than dessert. Graham was one of three lawmakers -- two Democrats and one Republican -- to vote against it in committee.

"Although I like to have fun, I really felt at a time when people are trying to heat their homes or find adequate health care for their children, we're spending time on whether the whoopie pie is the state dessert or treat," she said after the vote.

Graham said she has nothing against the whoopie pie industry, and that she believes the bill will pass when it gets to the full Legislature. But she just couldn't raise her hand in support.

"I came here to do the hard work," she said.

The bill is headed to the House, which meets again March 1.

Is Maine forserious with this shit? I rarely ever get involved with politics, especially local politics, because I am not well enough informed to have a legitimate conversation and those are the only conversations I like having. I'm not in the business of embarrassing myself. That being said I feel like I have to put my foot down on this issue. At what point did the fucking whoopie pie even enter the running for 'state dessert'? Where was ice cream sunday, freeze pops, and homemade chocolate chips cookies when this shit went down? They don't get a say? That doesn't sound very fucking American to me. At least Anne Graham has her head on straight. She knows there is no money left to fashion the fucking whoopie pie for a crown when we are trying to pay for new 4 wheelers for the police dept and adding new theater wings to our schools and shit. Besides, how can we be expected to teach children to learn how to read if they can't even fit inside the building?

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