Monday, February 10, 2014

Kraft singles being forced (basically) to lose artificial preservatives

Source - NEW YORK (AP) — Kraft is removing artificial preservatives from its most popular individually wrapped cheese slices, in the latest sign that companies are tweaking their recipes as food labels come under greater scrutiny.
The change affects the company's Kraft Singles in the full-fat American and White American varieties, which Kraft says account for the majority of brand's sales.

I get trying to eat healthy. I really do. I try to eat healthy monday-friday so I can eat like a bag of dicks all weekend. I basically have to eat healthy come monday or my body would literally shut down. So it is important for there to be health food options out there. I just don't understand why we have to take anything that isn't perfectly healthy and ruin it. Cheese is fucking money, there are so many great cheeses for different things. But when you want a grilled cheese, bread slightly burned because the bread was ready but the cheese wasn't melted yet so you kept it on a little longer, that you can smother with ketchup, then kraft singles are a no fucking brainer. Keep my fridge stocked with them for that occasion. I understand this isn't the healthiest thing I'm eating today. I just melted 8 slices of cheese and drowned it in ketchup for christs sake. Just let me be. I understand when something comes individually wrapped in plastic its probably not good for me. I don't need to hear that boneless wings are unnatural and there is disgusting shit holding the meat together. Basically, if you are buying kraft singles you are not concerned with preservatives. 

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