Monday, February 10, 2014

LC's birthday hoedown

Source - If anyone knows how to throw a crafty theme party, it's Lauren Conrad. So for the reality star-turned-clothing designer's 28th birthday and her fiance William Tell's 34th birthday, she threw a joint hoedown for their closest friends and family. 

I am in love with LC. Like love, love. It's actually the only reason I moved out here, for the hope that I might one day bump into her. I don't even really want to talk about this story because that means I have to talk about the fact that she is engaged. But engaged ain't married.

What I do want to talk about is that country look. Pig tails coming out of the cowboy hat. Fire flames on top of molten lava, on top of more flames. I am from Boston (fuck you james) and a lot of my new england buddies love country music. I never got into it. But country fest is something I can get down with, because it is a shit show and every girl looks like this. I mean clothing wise, body wise they couldn't even sniff LC. What is it about this look? Is it Daisy Dukes that did this? Or is this just something in the DNA code of men that makes me utterly powerless to pig tails, cowboy hats, and flannel shirts with 3 buttons undone?

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