Monday, February 10, 2014

Kristen Stewart stands by every mistake she has ever made

Source - She may be passionate about acting, but she's less so about doing press. "I have an embarrassing inability, seriously, of summoning fake energy...I'm just not very good on TV, and it's not my main goal in life to get good at it. People are like, 'She just can't handle'—for lack of a better word—'the spotlight.' No, actually, I can't, and that is totally who I am," Stewart says. " I love being an actor, but I'm the last person to want to have a birthday party. I don't try to force it or turn it into something else or fabricate this personality. So I totally agree when people say I'm, like, the most awkward person."
"I stand by every mistake I've ever made, so judge away," she says.

Listen, this article isn't worth reading probably unless you are a big fan of K-Stew. She just talks about life in Hollywood. But I am a fan and I did read it and now I want to talk about it. I admit that she isn't like A list hot, and she has less than zero expression, and she isn't that good of an actor, and that she is painfully awkward, but I dig it. Am I the only one, or does every else like her as much as I do? And to be honest, we are like polar opposites. She hates the spotlight, I love it. She loves working hard, I've never worked a day in my life. All I'm saying is, when you read this Kristen, I am happy to be one of your mistakes. 

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