Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Blue meth was found in Albuquerque, New Mexico

Source - ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — Reality in the illegal drug world is mimicking fiction.
Kevin Abar, assistant special agent in charge of Homeland Security Investigations in New Mexico, says distributors are selling methamphetamine tinted blue in the Four Corners region. Abar says tinting meth blue is a way for distributors to advertise and brand their product.

How about Albuquerque NM, huh? What a piece of shit place to live. (Cue Barstool Albuquerque press conference tomorrow morning) Is there anyone in this city not on hard drugs? But either way who ever the Heisenberg is cooking this baby blue he flat out gets it. It's called giving the people what they want. It's called brand recognition. It doesn't matter if this shit is 20% pure. It was 99% on the tv show and that is all the matters. You have the hottest ticket in town. Create the demand and own the supply. It's a no brainer. 
PS No way this dude ever goes down. It would send the meth community into an uproar. You can't lose with 100% approval. Win the crowd, you win your freedom. 

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