Monday, January 13, 2014

I'm going to talk a lot about the Globes today, deal with it

In case you don't have cable or internet or two eyes and heart the globes were in the beverly hills hilton last night. (been there)

I will say this about it. Kate Beckinsale is offensively hot. McConaughey's chicken dance made me laugh out loud. Love that Leo won, but he legitimately might not get nominated for an Oscar, so the saga continues. Love that Spike Jones won. Hosts were decent. There were some brutal speeches. Happy for Amy Adams. Happy for Cranston and Breaking Bad. Thought Aaron Paul was robbed.

However my biggest take away from the night was the debacle that was anything tv comedy related. Andy Samberg is a funny dude, I hope he has a happy life and a good career. But Brooklyn 99 SUCKS. It is a horrible show that is overacted with broke ass writing. It is not funny, nor is he funny in it. I have been counting the days until it gets canceled. The fact that he won best actor and that won best comedy is a funnier joke than anything said on Brooklyn 99 all season.

End of rant.

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