Monday, January 13, 2014

Game of Thrones season 4 trailer

Game of Thrones released the trailer for the new season. If you read the books you know that books 4 and five are legit bad books. I'm worried for the show's future. This season should be the the last third of book 3 and then who knows how far into book 4/5 (because they are the timeline). Just like how I feel about the books, I'm in too deep stop anyway. Khaleesi and Ygritte are certified smokes. You know you are going to get some tits, you know you are going to get some blood, probably with a few quality one liners in there as well like the there is only one hell, the one we live in now.

Now that road to the winter classic is over, I canceled HBO and I wont be getting it back until April 6th. Lets pray to the old gods and the new that season 4 is worth it.

Editor's update: It was more of they shut off HBO due to lack of payment than me canceling it if we're being honest. 


  1. Funny that you say you cancelled it because the Winter Classic is over when in fact you have no fucking money, you degenerate

  2. Ygritte is not a smoke... She's a ginger smoke... There's a difference
