Wednesday, January 22, 2014

What the fuck is going on in this sean penn story

Source - OK, the big news out of Piers Morgan's "My Life and Other Celebrities" column for the Daily Mail is that Sean Penn and Charlize Theron really are dating...
But the other thing Morgan, an outspoken anti-gun advocate, mentioned in his column was this: His pal Penn owns 67 guns, a fact the actor admitted over the phone the day before the charity gala...
"I’m melting down all the guns, and the ton of ammo I have, too, and the great artist Jeff Koons has agreed to make a sculpture out of it all to sell at my Haiti fund-raiser tomorrow night," Penn told Morgan.

For those of you keeping score at home this means that sean penn, who is 53, is dating charlize theron, who is 38. I'm not an age-ist, so that isn't my issue. Trust me, I've done much much worse. I just don't get what charlize is doing. It's not like she isn't A-list hot. She can bag who ever she wants. And she wants the stick up his ass 50 year old who went full retard? 

And what's with the gun thing? The dude has 67 guns? I would say that qualifies as enough to necessitate an entire rack. But thats got to be a red flag though, right? Like what the fuck is sean penn doing with 67 different ways to kill you in the front hall closet? Not to mention the fact that now he is melting all the guns and the ton of ammo (i assume he literally means 2000 lbs of ammo) to be turned into a sadistic fucking sculpture made out of deadly weapons to be sold at a Hati fund raiser? What planet am I on? 

PS Do we like how they are wearing their hair the same way in this picture

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