Monday, January 13, 2014

Im back bitches

So I went home over the holidays and took some time off as I am sure most of you did. I got back to LA last week and had some shit to do and I thought to myself, you know what? I'm not gonna blog this week. Fuck it. I know my readership is growing at an exponential rate but they can wait. I'm busy.

Well, you win you impatient mother fuckers. I didn't realize how pathetic your lives are. I got four texts last week from worried readers. FOUR! "hey man where's the blog, really fucking up my morning commute." "Dude what happened to the sports pad, i might kill myself if you dont blog again." "Powers, I am in love with your blog and possibly you. please keep writing and have sex with me." (from a guy) "your blog is the best thing on the internet, please dont take this from me"

Alright already. I'm back again to make your life suck a little bit less than it certainly does. I just want the haters and the people who are rooting for me to fail to know that in the morning they wake up to their shitty lives and their shitty problems while I'm taking over the internet.


  1. Those 4 people were your entire readership

    1. No Pierce, you misunderstood. Four texts, not necessarily four different people.
