Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Jim Carrey and Shia Labeouf fight is making me laugh

So Jim Carrey dropped this gem at the globes on sunday. He is ripping on Shia for plagerizing talented people's work. It was funny. Jim is funny. He makes jokes. Everybody chill. Then Shia fired back on twitter as per usual these days. 

Then apologized as per usual. 

But heres what made me laugh. Shia is getting killed for this overreaction. Especially because he is kind of falling off the map in hollywood. When he was younger he was the next tom hanks. then he did some shit movies, stole someone else's work, and now hes got the black death on him. I don't care who you are, that got to wear on you to some degree. You thought you had it all, and it comes crashing down. So to see him tweet the following, and know deep down that he has fallen, really just tickled my funny bone. 


  1. Heard a couple radio presenters talking about "Shia LaBOOF" and asking one another if he was "a basketball player or something." They had to be pretending right? Like the public can't have just forgotten this man, what he was famous for, and how to say his name?

  2. What was he famous for tho? I mean can you please point out one good piece of work from this filmography? http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0479471/?ref_=nv_sr_1 I seriously don't know how this guy got work for as long as he did.
