Monday, January 13, 2014

Nurse on board a flight from Iowa saves pilot from a heart attack mid flight

Source - Linda Alweiss, along with her husband and 16-year-old daughter, was on her way home from Iowa on Dec. 30 when two chilling announcements were made on the plane’s intercom, the first asking if anyone on board had medical training. A registered nurse with decades of experience, Alweiss said that when she volunteered to assist, she found the pilot slumped over in the cockpit, mumbling and barely responsive. His heart was beating irregularly, possibly as a result of a heart attack.

After the co-pilot took control of the airplane, a second, more chilling announcement was made: Does anyone in the cabin have flight experience?
“I turned to the co-pilot and I asked her, ‘You know how to land the plane, right?’ And she said yes,”
“She did her job,” said Alweiss’ husband, Alan. “She jumped at the opportunity, didn’t hesitate. And she did it at 30,000 feet, knowing that the person who was supposed to be flying the plane was her patient.”

Pretty cool story, definitely would be scary if you were on board. The plane was fine and the pilot lived. People helping people, powerful stuff. My issue is with the co-pilot and whoever made the second announcement if it wasn't her. You are the co-pilot. You are literally only up there to take control of the plane if the pilot needs to rest his eyes at 35,000 feet after a drug binge hours earlier, or if the pilot has a heart attack. Well, step up to the plate babe, because your number just got called. If you arent capable of handling the plane alone then you need to be fired. Announcing to the full plane 'does anyone have flight experience' is the most reckless and irresponsible shit ive heard. Nurse Jackie is going to have to treat my heart attack as well when I hear that announcement. Handle your shit and shut the fuck up. My friend was literally on the plane that crashed in the Hudson. He told me Sully didn't say a god damn word over the speaker until right before the plane hit the ice and all he said was "Brace for impact." When asked later why he didn't talk to the passengers he said he had more important shit going on, like landing a jet a on frozen river and keeping everyone alive. Next time Cougar goes down be ready step up Maverick. 

PS The fact that barstool IOWA has blogged this already is an embarrassment to the city of IOWA. 

PPS Glad to see Linda is married to Bill Belichick. DO YOUR JOB.

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