Monday, January 13, 2014

Nick Kroll tells Bono to watch his back after he kisses Amy Poehler

Source - Kroll, 35, was among those who went unmentioned by Poehler. Shortly after her big win (and subsequent makeout with Bono), he took to Twitter to jokingly warn the U2 singer to stay away from his lady.
"Hey Bono, watch your back," the League actor quipped.
Us Weekly first broke the news of Poehler's romance with Kroll back in May 2013. She announced her separation from husband Will Arnett eight months earlier, in September 2012.

This was obviously a joke, but what is not a joke is that Amy Poehler broke up with Will Arnett (with whom she has two kids) to date Nick Kroll. What the fuck? As James Franco put it, Nick Kroll is a rat faced comedian. That is who you are hitching your wagon too? You have a golden globe now for christ's sake. The only award Nick Kroll will ever be in touching distance of is the MTV movie award for best WTF moment, and the moment will be the fact that he is actually on a tv show. Plus Will Arnett is the shit. Maybe that's just my arrested development love speaking, but Amy has either lost her mind or been slipped a forget-me-now. 

PS Is Amy hot? People were killing her last night saying Tina Fey in a land slide. But at least once she had a dress on that looked great. I have a thing for blondes, not denying that, but Tina's hair was all big and weird, and she gets pretty wide in the hips. Neither are your pick of the litter, I'm just saying Amy would easily jump the hottest girl I've ever fucked. It's an elite group to say the least. 

1 comment:

  1. I don't know, man. I think Wheels Ontario is pretty funny....
