Monday, January 13, 2014

Can we talk about Jennifer Lawrence real quick?

The world is in love with this girl, and it almost makes me hate her. First of all, she is a good actress. Thought she should have been nominated for winters bone which she was, and thought she should have been nominated for silver linings which she was. However she won for silver linings which I thought was crazy, and she is going to win for american hustle which I also think is crazy. Meryl has 3 oscars and she just got her third. Jenn is 23 and we are going to live in the world where she has two already? What, is she the best actress to ever fucking live? And I think she is hot and I think she is down to earth. But she plays up this I don't conform card so much. Like I eat pizza and like to clown around. I feel like that is her image now and she really isn't that chill, its just for show. And that rattles me. I don't know. I guess I just don't understand why the world is in love with her right now. Everything she does is perfect. She fucking falls at the oscars. Gold. She photobombs tay swfit interviews. Gold. Yucking it up with Bradley Cooper. Gold.

Also she is dating beast from the X-Men movies??

Fuck! What am I even doing here anymore? What is the point of trying to become a famous actor if all the chicks I want to have sex with are already have sex with other idiots. I might as well get a cube job and live out the rest of my miserable days jerking off to Emma Watson in a pant suit.

Finally here is a vid of Jenn the night before the globes telling the paparazzi that she is too fucked up to talk to them. Will that work for me, or does only JLaw get away with this? Either way, gotta keep this one in the back pocket next time anyone tries to speak to me on a Saturday night.

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