Sunday, December 22, 2013

Scientist at Oxford says we could actually make Jurassic Park

Source - Dinosaurs could be brought back to life...using the DNA of birds.
In an echo of Jurassic Park, experts believe identifying and altering certain genes found in the DNA of modern birds would mean genomes of the prehistoric creatures could be engineered 20 million years after they died out.
Oxford biochemist Dr Alison Woollard says it would be theoretically possible to recreate species through the DNA...

Is this possible? I don't mean what the scientists are saying. I mean could we make a Jurassic Park and have it be safe? Now before you jump down my throat just think about it. Obviously it would have to be on an island, and obviously it you couldn't bring back any dino's that could fly. We have enclosures that control silver back gorillas. Who are quite smart and insanely strong. I just think we could extrapolate that a bit and make something intense enough to contain an T Rex. If you die, sorry, you signed a waiver. Is it worth it to see one in person? For some people, no doubt. 

Also do people know that velociraptors are tiny? Like the size of a chicken. The movie portrayal is a gross exaggeration. So rattling. I would beat the shit out of one of those things before they could say its just her reflection in whatever language they were speaking. 

PS My history teacher used to whistle this song when he got to class in high school. 

PPS This is the best acting I've ever seen 

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