Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Justin Bieber is retiring! HAHAHA

Source - Justin Bieber is done with show biz ... so he says -- thing is, we don't believe him.

Justin was at Power 106 in L.A. today, and said after his next album drops he's retiring.  The album comes out next week.  

Say what you want about the kid but he knows how to stay in the headlines. Just dogging fat chicks, burying his bone in Brazilian rippers, and quitting the biz altogether. Obviously he loves himself way to much to actually call it quits. But if he had some real nuts on him would go through with this. Quit music after this album drops. I mean he is obviously loaded already, and this album's sales will add to that. Live the life for a while, go to an island, people still love you, girls will ALWAYS go crazy over you, and the whole time secretly be working on new material. Come back in, hell I dont know, five years? Ten? The kid is 19. Can you imagine if he dropped a fire album at age 29 after no one had seen him in a decade??? The internet would explode. He would still be young, still be slaying, and become impossibly rich.

Do it Justin. Quit. We'll be sad to see you go kid. We barely knew ya.

PS if he does this a want a cut of the profit. I need a cut.

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