Friday, December 20, 2013

Anna Paquin gets cut from the new X Men movie

Source - In an interview with EW, director Bryan Singer has revealed he had to cut a sequence from the film that contained the only screen time for Anna Paquin’s Rogue character. (The “True Blood” star had only shot a couple days worth of footage). Singer says in the interview the reason for the cut had to with the film already having so much in it and the sequence ultimately feeling unnecessary. He goes on to add that it probably will be included on the DVD with other deleted scenes.

Talk about getting your teeth kicked in by Jennifer Lawrence. I mean this isn't that big of a deal. If you think she's hot just watch True Blood. She's naked in half the episodes. Plus Rogue can't even fuck so her character kind of sucks. But if you're telling me that if they didn't have J Law parading around naked and covered in blue paint the entire movie Anna would still be cut, then you are outside of your god damn mind. They looked at the footage, and they looked at the people lining up to see Jen, and left Anna's scene on the cutting room floor. Plain and simple. You have been out gunned, out classed, and out coached. 

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