Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Orange County Supervisors Reject Online Map of Dangerous Dogs

Source - The Orange County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday voted against part of a proposed ordinance that would have established an online map with locations of so-called dangerous dogs.

Level 1 dogs would include canines involved in two incidents within a 36-month period, and which have bitten a person without provocation, causing a minor injury.
Level 2 dogs would be those that were trained for fighting, or had four separate unprovoked attacks that caused severe or substantial injury.
Level 3 dogs would include canines that killed or maimed a person without provocation. The dogs in this level would be euthanized, but owners would have the right to a court hearing before that occurred.

I've got mixed emotions with this article. So proud of the OC for rejecting this map. Fucking hate their reasons. They said making this information public might look bad on the residents of these houses. No shit. I think they should have rejected the map because it would make the dogs look bad. There is no such thing as a mean dog, just mean owners. Dogs aren't born to bite everyone that walks by. They are born the most loving creatures on planet earth who just want to play. So shame on you for feeling bad for the humans here. Also this level system is appalling. How long are level 3 dogs on the list? The two days between them killing someone and then being put down? So fucked up. I don't want to talk about this anymore. 

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