Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Atlanta high school student suspended a year for hugging his teacher

Source - To Sam McNair, a 17-year-old high school senior in Duluth, Georgia, it was an innocent hug. "You never know what someone's going through," McNair told CNN affiliate WGCL in Atlanta. "A hug might help." It didn't in this case because after McNair hugged a teacher, he ended up with a year-long suspension from Duluth High School, putting his college plans in jeopardy. "He's a senior; he plays football. He was getting ready for lacrosse season, and you are stripping him of the opportunity to even get a full scholarship for athletics for college.

According to a discipline report obtained by WGCL, the teacher said Sam's lips and cheeks touched her neck and that she had warned Sam about hugging in the past.

Tough to tell in the video but it looked like Sam just gave her a regular hug. And if that is the case this is bat shit crazy. Even considering that it is her word vs his. But when this is the video I'm not sure you can over turn the play ya know? Inconclusive evidence. 

If he did kiss her, we have to ask was she throwing the vibe? Because as any fellow man knows, we are helpless to the vibe. As my most handsome friend puts it, "throw vibe, catch vibe" So it seems a little archaic to me to suspend this kid for a fucking year ruining his college dreams because his lips may or may not have brushed against the neck of someone actively putting out the vibe. 

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