Friday, December 20, 2013

Bill Gates plays secret santa to a reddit user

Source - The billionaire philanthropist and Microsoft co-founder took to Reddit recently to partake in the online community's Secret Santa Exchange. Gates was matched up with Reddit user NY1227, otherwise known as Rachel, who he then proceeded to give a memorable gift.
Gates shipped the unsuspecting Reddit user a seven-pound box filled with a travel book, a stuffed cow, a card indicating a donation to Heifer International in Rachel's name, a signed holiday card, and a picture of himself holding the card and the cow in front of a Christmas tree.
Rachel said she didn't realize who the gift was from initially, assuming the man named "Bill" who signed her card was just some unfortunate lad who got stuck trying to figure out what gift to send her from her wish list that included makeup, nail polish and an iPad.

This is the weirdest thing I've ever read. Bill Gates is the shit and donates an ungodly amount of money to charity and doesn't have to pick up a 100 dollar bill  he sees on the ground because he already makes more money in the time it would take him to bend over and pick it up. But this makes no sense. He goes on reddit and gets a stranger as secret santa and gives her a travel book, a stuffed cow, a picture of himeself, and donates money in her name. What the fuck? She didn't ask for any of these things. She posted a list. And you know what wasn't on it? A stuffed cow and a picture of Bill Gates. What is she gonna do with that? Also, maybe this makes me a dick, but I don't care if something is donated in my name. Give me that money and allow me to decide what to do with it. Even if he was like "you have to donate this" at least I could give it to who I wanted. Really bizarre stuff from Bill here. 

PS an iPad on the wish list? Awwkkwwwaaaaaaaaaard 

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