Thursday, December 19, 2013

Bieber says he will always love Selena

Source - "I wrote the best music once my heart was broken," he told Big Boy. "‘All That Matters' was written when I was in a great place in my relationship, and at that time, she was all that mattered in my life."
Bieber continued, "[The break up] affected us, especially when we are in front of so many people. It's such a public thing. It's just hard for the both of us. But you know, she's a great woman. I love her till this day."

Is this the move, or no? I mean normally you play hard to get tough guy. I've blown plenty of chances with girls when I get a little drunk and start spewing the mushy stuff. Babe, seriously I like you soo much. Like sooo much.  And then poof, its gone. But maybe eventually you reach a point where you are so in her head you can say shit like this and she just melts. I certainly don't know. No girl has ever cared much for me. I just know that if said something like this the girl would literally disappear from the face of the earth just get away from me. 

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