Monday, December 16, 2013

Toys R Us open for 87 straight hours leading up to Christmas

Source - Here's some welcome news for all the procrastinators out there.
Catering to last-minute shoppers, Toys R Us said Monday that it will keep its doors open for 87 hours straight leading up to Christmas.
Following Kohl's decision to stay open for more than 100 consecutive hours, it is the latest move in a competitive environment that has had retailers trying to out-promote one another since Thanksgiving.

I am a very guilty last minute shopper so you'd think I am on board with this idea but I am not. First of all, these people have families too. Don't need people working the graveyard shift the last three nights leading up to Christmas. Second of all, this takes all the chaos out of the situation. The chase is part of the fun. I am also trying to beat deadlines and closed doors to get my family shitty gifts they will never use. It's fun. 
But more importantly, are Toys R Us Geoffrey Dollars still a thing? I used to come into Toys R Us making it rain with those bad boys. I left those as a tip at a restaurant once. Needless to say I was not welcome back.

PS If you're gonna do this how do you not come over the top of Kohl's?

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