Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Italian Mafia Gangsters Arrested Over Christmas Poinsettia Scam

Source - If you don't respect the mafia pushing poinsettias, you'll be pushing up daisies.
Four Italian gangsters were arrested in Naples over a Christmas poinsettia "scam" in which they allegedly forced people to pay as much as $140 for just one of the Christmas Stars, BBC News reports.
But the scam was more of an act of bullying than it was a masterminded plot. If you didn't fork over the cash, your shop would be vandalized, police say. Poinsettias usually sell for about $5 in Italy.

This is the loosest usage of the word 'scam' I have ever heard. Are they going door to door with these poinsettias or do they have a stand set up at the local market? I mean you gotta avoid these natural born killers right? Are they willing to haggle? I just don't have 140 bucks to go in on a flower. 
But seriously, this is not a good look for the Italian mob. This is not the way to strike fear in the hearts of your enemies. This is how you get laughed out of the business, no one respects you, and Frank Lucas puts a bullet between your eyes in the middle of a crowded street and no one says a word. Being an Italian mafia member used to mean something. 

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