Wednesday, December 18, 2013

21 flawless donuts of 2013


This list is so ass I'm not even going to show a single one of their choices. I will save you the time. Here are the top ten donuts that money can buy.

10) Jelly. Can get a little messy, but if you eat around the edges that last bite in the middle is a flavor explosion.

9) Some kind of rainbow sprinkles donut. Around the holidays you can get a nice seasonal treat. Fourth of July usually has some red white and blue going on. Either way, rainbow sprinkles adds a little extra to an already great treat.

8) Chocolate covered. A little low on this list you say? Try refining your palate, you child. It's good. No it's great. In the top ten. Always one of the first donuts snatched from the box of a dozen. But then donut itself is a little bland.

7) Toasted coconut. Really strong choice here. Most little kids don't like them, but when you grow up a little bit you realize what you were missing out on. Thought I would have it in the top five, but thats a hard list to crack.

6) Cinnamon donut. Usually some cinnamon sugar mix. This is the only one on the list that I would hear is a little bit of a personal preference pick. I fucking love all things cinnamon, especially these donuts. The taste is perfect, so sweet, so strong. I always get my hands on these when they get left over in the box.

5) Sour cream. Way underrated donut. Way underrated. I thought this is where coconut would be. Couldn't do it. Such a unique taste on this guy. Some of these donuts blend together but the sour cream's greatness stands out and that puts you in the top five.

4) Glazed cruller. Fire donut. These are just better than honey dipped donuts. The crispy crust gives it some texture and the glaze adds the strong flavor. Plus unique shape. Always catching the eye.

3) Chocolate glazed. Number three on this list number one in your hearts. Probably the first donut you ever had. Automatic pick when getting a dozen donuts. Probably grab more than one. Lot of chocolate, lot of sugar, lot of flavor. Well always love this donut.

2) Plain. Don't even think about arguing. This donut is perfect. It never gets picked. And if it does people just leave it in the box going for all the bells and whistles. Well, you guys are suckers. This is donut is delicious. No other way to put it. If it ain't broke don't fix it.

1) Maple frosted. No brainer. The first time I had a bit of one of these it changed my life. Best donut going. I could eat these all day. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Plus one for dessert. If you haven't had one, fix that. If you had, you know what I'm talking about it. If you have had one and don't know what I'm talking about, die.

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