Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Facebook is keeping track of things your write but don't actually publish

Source - Facebook knows pretty much everything about you — and that includes when you type out posts but decide not to hit “enter.”
But before you freak out too much, know that Facebook isn’t saving the text of these would-be posts (at least not yet). For now, Facebook is merely tracking more general trends related to these unpublished thoughts — or, as Facebook calls it, “self-censorship.”

I keep see this all over the web (true) and I've had so many readers email me this story (lie). I don't really care. I already know that zuckerberg owns every picture I've ever taken even ones I never posted to facebook, and that the government listens to every drunk phone call I've ever made, and that the snapchat dude has a file full of every dick pic I've ever sent. 
The real question here is are people doing this? Is it like a form of venting? I can see girls going to another girl's page and start typing: This girl is the nastiest skank bitch I've ever met. Do not trust her. She is a fugly slut!. Then delete delete delete. That felt better.
That is psycho shit. So maybe stop worrying that Zuckerberg is such a creep and start worrying that you actively write shit on facebook just to never hit enter. 

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