Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Couple spends a month in jail when the cops think their bar of soap is cocaine

Source - Soap and cocaine are easy to confuse ... right? A young man and woman just spent a month in a Pennsylvania jail for carrying two kilos of soap that police mistook for cocaine. A trooper pulled over Annadel Cruz, 26, and Alexander Bernstein, 30, in a new Mercedes last month for driving 5mph over the limit and hugging the side of the lane. When the officer smelled marijuana, Cruz admitted to smoking some before their trip from Florida to New York. That's when the trooper searched the car and found the two bricks.
Cruz said it was homemade soap, but the officer's field test apparently came up positive.

Getting pulled over going 5 over the speed limit is already a really tough bid. Then you gotta admit to the quick burn you did to help pass the time on your 1500 mile road trip. It's like give me a fucking break already. But then, the real cherry on top, is when you do a month in the slammer for having a bar of soap mistaken for a brick of cocaine. A month! Who is your lawyer? I don't want to meet him. 

PS That shit was obviously coke right? 

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