Monday, December 16, 2013

Harvard bomb threat is a hoax to get out finals

Source - Following a report of explosives in four Harvard University buildings that led to evacuations during finals, university police late Monday morning messaged students that they have "no reason to believe there is a threat" on campus.
"Access to Harvard Yard has been restricted to Yard residents with Harvard IDs. As of the writing of this message the report remains unconfirmed and the HUPD has no reason to believe there is a threat to any other site on campus,” Harvard police said in the message to students. 
Much of Harvard Yard had been evacuated and exams at the university were canceled Monday morning after the report of explosives in the four buildings at locations throughout the campus. 

Listen I wasn't even going to talk about this but assuming this was to get out of an exam I have one thing to stay. Studying for exams isn't hard. There is material, it''s not a secret, you fucking learn it, then you take the test. If you learn slower than others start studying sooner. Tests are a joke. The real world is hard. Imagine waking up every morning and sitting at a desk for 12 straight hours staring into a computer screen writing. Six hours are devoted to writing scripts that you don't get paid for, will never get paid for, and no one likes. The other six hours you spend blogging trying to make people who genuinely don't care for you laugh. Then you eat a microwave dinner, watch a Christmas movie, go to bed, and fall asleep mid jerk. So spare me the sob story that you're a 2L law student who just has so many case studies to read before tomorrow's final that you might cry, even though in reality the test doesn't effect your future AT ALL, you are receiving regular doggy style sex from college girls, and you still get a Christmas break. Pour yourself another vodka cranberry because "oh my god that test was soooo hard I definitely failed I just want to get drunk now". Meanwhile, I'll be here churning out unfunny, self loathings blogs to pass the time until the nightly phone call from mother, making sure I'm still alive.

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