Friday, December 20, 2013

Katy Perry and John Mayer don't speak at home

Source - In an interview on Ellen, Perry revealed that the pair often end up communicating through an iPad to preserve their voices. According to the singer, Mayer’s vocal cord problems have made it crucial that he not speak — or whisper — as much as possible off stage.
“I understood that he couldn’t talk, and the only way he could communicate was through an iPad,” Perry told DeGeneres in her interview (below). “Some days I have to go on complete vocal rest, like no anything, no whispering. Whispering is actually really bad. There’s just a lot of silence in our house most of the time.”

That is rich! First Scar Jo and now this? This is like the hot thing going around celebrity couples. Just come up with ways to never have to speak to your wife. Doesn't matter if its the language barrier, or that your vocal cords need a break. It all works as long as it adds up to all the benefits of a girlfriend with none of the nagging. John Mayer gets it done, I wish I could. Not only is his kill list as gold as his albums, it is still growing. The audacity of him pulling out an iPad and typing "sorry babe can't talk I got a show later this week" to Katy Perry is crazy to me. So crazy that it worked. Doesn't have to listen to her attempt to sing every again, just gets to stare at those bombs in peace and quiet like the good lord intended. 

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