Thursday, December 19, 2013

Some guy wants social media to buzz off

Source - The funny thing about this thing we call “buzz” — the prevailing sentiment among consumers toward the objects they consume — is the certitude with which so many in Hollywood talk about it, despite the lack of any quantifiable source for the information. The buzz on something is either good or bad largely dependent on what the last three people you spoke with said, which is not quite as broad and diverse a sample as a scientist might require.

This article sucks and so does this guy. Listen, the reality is this. Twitter is the fastest news source on the planet. If I need to figure something out that is where you turn. Snapchat is the best chance to catch a nude. Instagram likes are the life blood of popularity. And without facebook, how am I going to know who is pregnant, who is having a bad day, and who sucks compared to me. 

Social media is the foundation of this generation and it's only going to keep growing. So get on board. Sorry no one has posted on your wall in a year. Trying sharing a link once and a while you tool. 

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