Monday, December 16, 2013

Two new TV series that I am very rattled about

Good Will Hunting

Netflix is going to stream the AMC Breaking Bad spin off "Better Call Saul" and Miramax and TWC have teamed up to make a Good Will Hunting tv series.

Saul was an awesome character on a awesome show. I can have fun imagining things in his life before he met Walt and Jessie. But certainly they are not cool enough to warrant a show. Is every few episodes him signing new piece of shit clients that get him into tough situations? Saul is great, but he can't carry the show. Without all star clients its not worth my time. And if you put Saul with all star clients then you have a good show, its called breaking bad, I watched it. Please don't ruin it for me.

Good Will Hunting is an oscar winning script and phenomenal movie. Are they telling the whole story again with worse actors and commercial breaks? I mean I know Friday Night Lights did this with great success, but that story screamed tv series. This is a fucking brutal idea that can only tarnish the memory of the movie and I would literally give one of my testicles to be in it.


  1. I wouldnt watch this show even if 1997 Minnie Driver gave me head throughout every episode

    1. You couldn't last a full episode if you were watching on 30x fast forward
