Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Child porn discovered at Rolling Hills Estates homeless camp

Source - ROLLING HILLS ESTATE - A detective from the sheriff’s Lomita Station was investigating a burglary at a homeless encampment when he discovered what appeared to be child pornography, authorities said Monday.
The case was presented to the District Attorney’s Office Monday and a charge of possession of child pornography was filed against 47-year-old Andres Torres, who admitted the child pornography was his, authorities said.
If convicted, Torres could face up to three years in state prison and then would have to register as a sex offender, authorities said

First of all, why were they investing a burglary at a homeless encampment? Did someone rob from a homeless guy? What the fuck did he have worth robbing? Or did one homeless guy rob from another? Do they even call the cops for shit like that? And what kind of mind game is that? Your both homeless. 
Second of all, this guy now has to register as a sex offender which leads me to the obvious question. Who does this guy legally have to tell?? Like when he sets up shop under the overpass does he need to find any houses in 5 mile radius (10? 15?) and start knocking on doors like hey whats up I just moved into the bushes under the freeway, and like to fuck kids. Or does he have to tell other homeless people? Just knock on shopping carts like hi, I see  you also like to hold up signs here begging for money, did I mention I jerk it to 8 year olds? 

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