Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Living the Dream Part 12

Does this look like the face of a guy who got turned down at Chipotle and the Movie theater? I haven't eaten in a 10 days. I drink beer on Saturday nights until I'm full to get me through the week.

I was talking to one of my friends who works for the US Government today. Kid works like 11-1 four days a week and gets paid 80 grand a year with benefits. Will be retired by 40. The only good thing about me not having a job is I don't want my tax dollars going anywhere near that piece of slime's pockets. But he told me that I am clearly a career student. He knows kids who go to law school with engineering undergraduate degrees and get Cs but still get the best job offers because lawyers with that background are in such high demand.

I am afraid he might be right. Fuck my dream. I have a masters in engineering. I already took the LSAT. I killed it. I can probably blow some dude for 80 bucks to pay the Harvard Law application fee. Come the fall I might be 30 years old, chilling with Brandon Spikes, sleeping through my classes by day, plugging 18 year old undergrad sluts by night, then get my high profile job and start printing money like I work for the treasury.

PF rating: Law Student

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